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Commercial photoshoots in Sydney.

Commercial photography basics.

Product Photography Sydney

Product Photography Services in Sydney and surrounding areas.

Product photography

Services photography

Commercial photography pricing

Shooting on location

Studio commercial photography

Architectural photographers

Types of Product Photography 


Digital 1's professional product photography will enrich your online store or catalogue and provide you a competitive advantage over your competition.

Product photography is crucial in the multibillion-dollar e-commerce market. Whether a company is selling homemade wind chimes or $1,000 wristwatches, they all rely on attractive product photos to sell their wares on the internet.
E-commerce sites would struggle to succeed if they didn't have high-quality product photos. Consumers rely on product photos to gain a better understanding of what they're buying. Product photos are crucial in e-commerce and are frequently the determining factor in whether or not a customer completes the transaction.

The way an item is portrayed in a product image can also help sell it. For example, if a product is simply sitting on a table, it may not appear to be very appealing. However, if the same thing is captured while in use, the image becomes much more lively.

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Product Photography

Consider a gas barbeque. A metal grill with four legs, knobs, and a domed lid would be the visual representation. Customers may purchase the gas grill because they are familiar with its capabilities.


However, if a product photographer makes a few minor photo adjustments, the image can become a lot more successful sales tool. Consider a gas grill with the lid open. The image now features a large, meaty steak that has been seared on one side and has visible grill markings.

A couple of shish-kebabs sit next to the sizzling steak, which has smoke billowing above it. The shish-kebabs are skewered with onions, peppers, and mushrooms, and they have a sheen to them as if they've been covered in a luscious glaze.

Which image is more likely to entice a customer to make a purchase? Of course, the one with the steak! You can clearly see how crucial product photos are in e-commerce now and Digital 1 can help deliver the results you need.


Product photography in Sydney has become an integral part of an online sales company's portfolio. Without professional photographs, your company won't stand a chance in today's competitive online marketing climate. Just about everything is online and carries with it an online presence like we have never seen before. If the product photos don't stack up online visually, chances are your business will fail.

All you need to do Is look at the successful examples in any online business. next time you visit a newsagency, try looking at some of the glossy magazines on the shelf. When you flick through the pages you cannot help but find stunning product photos throughout the entire magazine. Watch ads, car ads, luxury items are abundant everywhere you look.  All showing the very best photographs of the company products.

Let us improve your online presence with beautiful product photographs.

Commercial Photography Sydney | Digital 1

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